India Projects
The Opportunity of a Lifetime
India will soon be the largest nation on the earth. It is also a place where hundreds of thousands of Hindus and Muslims are experiencing the redemptive power of Jesus Christ every year. Thousands stream forward during the altar calls at our exciting Gospel & Healing Festivals held in remote areas of India. Our desire is to reach the unreached. Our work is done in areas that have had no large-scale evangelistic work at all. Many times the majority of our audience does not even know who Jesus Christ is.
Dove International is partnering with Oasis World Ministries and our good friend, Tom Elie, the Director. Tom was one of the founding Board Members of Dove International. Dove & the Mexico Outreaches played a part in the shaping of his heart to reach the nations. Dove is linking arms with Oasis through the end of 2010 to reach a million people in unreached areas.
Here is our four-pronged strategy for reaching hearts in India:
Drilling Wells in villages with no readily available clean water.
Building churches for new bodies of believers.
Training Pastors in remote areas and providing them with study materials.
Holding large Gospel and Healing Festivals in these remote areas.
Opportunities for You
- Giving: All of our work in India is very cost-intensive. We need many friends to partner with us every year. If God is leading you to partner with us and to become a team member in this way, get started by clicking here.
Praying: Our work in India requires the favor of many governmental officials and regional leaders as well as the general population in the areas in which we minister. It is also fraught with possible dangers and many logistical needs. Let us know if God is calling you to be part of our prayer team. Thursdays are special prayer emphasis.
- Going: Many opportunities and experiences await you in India. Your physical health and strength need to be good (conditions in India are sometimes harsh). You need to be able to adjust well to other customs and to accept things we may consider inconveniences, but the hunger of the people for God will amaze you, and their faith invites the wondrous working of the miraculous. God often lovingly touches people with miraculous healing. You will be involved with the above ministries. We will also do ministry in remote villages with small teams.
We’d love to have you on board! Click the “calendar” for dates then click here to get going.
You can also link to the Oasis World Ministries page by clicking here